What Fabricators Wish Detailers Knew

At ESD Solutions, we’re always looking to improve how we work with fabricators. That’s why we recently surveyed fabricators to pinpoint the areas where detailers sometimes fall short, aside from the obvious need for clear communication. While communication is a complex issue where all parties involved – fabricators, erectors, and detailers – share responsibility for breakdowns, it’s important to address other areas for improvement as well.

Here’s what we learned:

The Disconnect Between Design and Fabrication:

Many fabricators feel that some details, while flawless on paper, create major problems in the shop.  This includes awkward or ugly connections, tolerances that are unrealistic for real-world conditions, and a lack of consideration for the limitations of fabrication equipment.

Details Matter – The Small Stuff Counts!

Fabricators highlighted seemingly minor oversights that cause major headaches:
Bolt placement hindering assembly or creating clash points.
Missing erection marks, leading to confusion and field calls.
Insufficient weld access, requiring rework and delays.

The Big Picture: Timelines and Teamwork

Fabricators emphasized that detailers need a better grasp of the project schedule and how their choices impact it.  Detailing decisions made in a vacuum, without considering timelines, can throw the entire project off track and cost everyone time and money.

The Takeaway: Detailing Isn’t Just About Drawings.
Accuracy matters, but so does practicality.  Great detailing means creating clear, buildable drawings that respect the fabrication process without sacrificing project goals.

About the Author:

Igor Goriatchev – Owner & CEO at ESD Solutions. Helping Fabricators To Make Steel Real. We simplify steel detailing workflows and deliver accurate, error-free detailing solutions.

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